Health Care Stores



Health Care Stores

Our team uses its long-lasting applied knowledge on Health Care Stores in order to guaranty you that a Health Care Store to be established is legitimate and shall operate properly and in accordance with the requirements of the Law. More precisely:

During foundation phase

Study of the rental construction regulation

Coordination with an engineer for land use study and other urban planning issues

The Articles of Association drafting and publishing in case that the Health Interest Store operates through a Legal Entity

Writing and signing a lease with owners

Assistance in obtaining a store operating license (operation notification)

During the operation phase

Study and legal advice in order for the Store to comply with the provisions of Law (Sanitary, labor, tax)

Creation of a Store file with all the required documents (License for extension of the use of musical instruments, license for public performance of music, etc.)

Judicial protection (violation of music schedule, violation of Decibel limit, store sealing, appeals, lawsuits and objections of any kind, etc.).
